Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Today I am thankful for my girlfriends.  I'm sure that a lot of people know that I am a tad obsessed with my friends, but I feel like maybe not everyone understands why.  I am somewhat of an only child.  I have a half brother and a half sister, but they are both quite a few years older than me.  My brother is amazing.  He is someone that I look up to and I am so proud to call my brother.  I don't get to see him enough.  My sister and I have a pretty rocky relationship.  She is 11 years older than me and she grew up with her mom in Texas.  I only saw her a few times a year.  When I was little, I absolutely thought that she hung the moon.  I even took her for show and tell in third grade.  I was so proud of my big sister.  Unfortunately for me, our relationship did not turn out the way I would have wanted it to for many reasons that are too private to share.  I honestly pray for her all the time.  I pray that one day we will reconcile our relationship, but for now, that does not look promising.  Basically, I was raised as an only child.  I always wanted a sister and I found that in my friends.  I have always, in every stage of life, had a few close friends.  My friends became my sisters.  They went on vacation with me and experienced all of life's little moments with me. One thing that I consider a strength, is my ability to make new friends.  I was always the girl who talked to the new girl in class and invited her over to hang out after school.  In college, I got a whole bunch of sisters when I joined a sorority.  I had a really tight knit group of friends and those girls will be my friends for the rest of my life.  As an adult, it got a little harder to make friends.  Asking a grown woman for her phone number can come off a bit awkward, but it is the "showering her with gifts" part that sets me apart from the rest and makes people a little uncomfortable.  Luckily, I still have a few close friends that accept me, gift giving and all, at this stage of life.  Gift giving has always been and will always be my love language.  Whether it's flying in pizza from Chicago or making a basket of favorite things, my best friends get the star treatment.  I come on strong and I love my friends fast.  It's how I've always been.  Some people have a hard time understanding this "obsession" with my friends, but I am just a very loyal person with a lot of love to give.  Once you are in with me, I will love you for life.  My best friends, my sisters, my soulmates....I always thought that God didn't hear me when I prayed for a sister, but now I know that he did me one better, he gave me a lot of sisters throughout my life.  For the friends I have and the friends I will meet, I am eternally grateful. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful gift of sisterhood.

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