Wednesday, May 21, 2014


This morning, I was awakened at 2:37 am by a screaming child.  This is such a rarity at this stage because Grayson has been sleeping from 7:30-7:00 since he was 13 months old.  And even before that he has been sleeping for at least 10 hours since he was 8 months old.  Sleep has never been a problem, which for this mommy was the biggest blessing.  God knows that I am a hopeless wreck without sleep.  Before Grayson, I took naps nearly EVERYDAY after work and then I would still get 8-9 hours of sleep at night.  I realize that this is a lot of sleep.  It is just what I require.  Having a newborn for me was ROUGH to say the least.  Lack of sleep, coupled with some pretty awesome PPD made for a crazy person.  Needless to say, I am lucky that last night G only needed a few cuddles and went right back to sleep.  However, I had completely forgotten how difficult life is when your sleep is interrupted and mine was only interrupted for a few minutes.  Unfortunately for me, when I wake up to him screaming, it usually takes me a while to fall back to sleep and then I tend to wake up about every hour just because I am a worrier.  Therefore going to work today took effort.  I am so sleepy.  It makes me reconsider this "baby fever" I have been having lately.  We are waiting a while longer to have another one and last night definitly reminded me why.  Sleep.  We have such a good routine with Grayson.  Not that I haven't learned that his routines can change at the drop of a hat, but the newborn stage is something I do not miss.  For now, I will stick to cuddling my friends new babies and then getting a good nights rest without interruptions.  Though I don't mind the sweet cuddles from my baby boy in the middle of the night, I do pay for it in the morning.  Here's to a night with uninterrupted sleep!  It is only 8 am and I am already looking forward to it!

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