Wednesday, May 14, 2014

why the "red lipstick runner?"

I wanted to take a minute to explain why I named this blog "the red lipstick runner." I know that I can in no way call myself a runner.  At best, I am a walker who occasionally jogs for a bit.  But my journey to becoming a runner is something I want to document.  Honestly, I HATE running.  I have always hated running.  However, all of my friends who are avid runners are in great shape and that is something that I really want for myself.  I know that I need to be eating a little lot better in order to make this change, but I have absolutely no will power when it comes to food.  That is something that will take a bit of time for me to change.  I have always been the kind of girl who could eat whatever I wanted and never gain a pound.  Unfortunately, being able to eat whatever you want tends to create a monster who chooses junk food over healthy food almost every time.  And then I hit 25 and everything changed.  When I got pregnant, I was at my heaviest.  And I gained more weight than I expected.  Though my PPD helped me lose a large amount of the weight, I still have about 10-15 pounds that I want to lose.  However, it is really less about a number and more about how I fit in my clothes and feel about myself.  I know that very few people feel bad for the girl who grew up with a high metabolism and then gained some weight in her twenties.  Especially because some people struggle with weight their entire lives.  But honestly, I am the unhealthiest eater and I have such a hard time sticking to diets.  I can be really good for about a week and then all that delicious fried food starts calling my name, which makes my terrible lack of will power a major problem.  The hard part about being an adult is that I eat junk and then have instant food guilt because I certainly know better.  All that to be said, I want to be healthier.  So if that means becoming a runner walker that occasionally jogs until I get to a place where I feel better in my own skin, then so be it.  So that explains the "runner" part of the blog. I feel like the red lipstick portion is pretty self explanatory.  I am a lover of red lipstick. Makes me feel beautiful.  I paired something I love with something I hate to create this title because it pretty much sums up my life as of late.  Hopefully, the weather will warm back up soon and I can get back to my C25K runs.  I will let you know how it goes as I begin running once again.  I can guarantee it will be a struggle death sentence.  Can't wait to share how it goes!

Until next time!

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